Get your free briefing from Safe Swiss Cloud engineers and learn more about how our Cloud computing, IT Services and Operations can help you.

In this briefing for Cloud computing, IT Services and Operations:

  • We will introduce you to cloud computing and security services at Safe Swiss Cloud.
  • Learn about your use case and requirements.
  • Give you feedback on which products and services best fits your purpose.
  • Do a short Question & Answer session with you.

All our cloud computing and security services share these characteristics:

  • European security & privacy: all your data resides in our own, highly secure data centres. The privacy of your data is governed by European GDPR.
  • 24/7 support from Safe Swiss Cloud engineers.
  • Self service: full control over your IT infrastructure.
  • Competitve pricing

What happens next?

  1. Fill out the form or call us at +41 61 564 1111 to organise a free briefing on which of our clouds best fits your purpose.
  2. We will contact you shortly to organise an online briefing.