Why Safe Swiss Cloud?
Security, Support, Performance, Reliability, Compliance & Competitive Pricing.
Choose Safe Swiss Cloud for Support and Security
Customers get 24/7 access to Safe Swiss Cloud engineers when they need support with their infrastructure. Security of the cloud platforms is managed in accordance with our ISO27001 certified security management system. Additional security services to mitigate various risks are available.
Banks, software, healthcare and trading companies from all over the world trust us with their mission critical computing requirements based on our reliable infrastructure and support.
7×24 Support
Safe Swiss Cloud is always just a call away when you need help.
Multiple redundant servers, storage, networking and backups to different data centres.
Competitive & Predictable Pricing
Predictable costs, no hidden fees.
Multiple Cloud Technologies
for every use case.
ISO 27001 certified security management to keep your data safe.
100% SSD storage, state of the art servers and a well connected international network.
European Privacy & Compliance
You own your data. Always.
Cloud Briefings
from our cloud engineers.
24/7 Support
Safe Swiss Cloud understands that customers who want to run enterprise grade workload, need 24/7 support pretty quickly for mission critical operations, new deployments etc.
24/7 support is one of the essential services Safe Swiss Cloud provides customers, who want to run their mission critical workloads in the cloud. Qualified engineers are on standby to support you whenever needed – we do not send you off to a call center for support.
Who do you call if you need support with mission critical applications? Safe Swiss Cloud support is just a call away 24 x 365.
Security is at the heart of Safe Swiss Cloud’s value proposition of protecting our customers’ data. Our ISO 27001 certified information security management system ensures that we follow best practices for security.
Safe Swiss Cloud is also compliant with various other standards for security, privacy and compliance, including:
- GDPR: The European Union data protection regulation
- BAIT: The German Financial regulator BAFIN’s requirements for IT
- FINMA: The Siwss Financial regulator FINMA’s standard for outsourcing: “Circular 2018/3 Outsourcing”
- HIPAA: The international standard for healthcare data
All data is stored in Safe Swiss Cloud’s own data centers in Switzerland and we guaranty our customers full control over their data.
Cloud Briefing
Learn more about how our Cloud Computing, IT Services and Operations can help you.
Reliability & Performance
All of Safe Swiss Cloud’s technology infrastructure uses 100% SSD storage – this allows us to guarantee performance for many customers simultaneously. This has allowed us to turn around the question customer’s ask from “What is the maximum you can give us?” to Safe Swiss Cloud asking customers “How much do you need?”.
At the same time, reliability is the foundation which every business needs for their IT. Safe Swiss Cloud’s infrastructure is based on redundancy in its systems – here are a few examples:
- Redundant SSD storage: we use clustered SSD storage which makes sure all data is stored redundantly multiple times.
- Redundant servers: a hardware defect will lead to a virtual machines (servers) getting restarted on another server.
- Redundant networking: switches and Internet connections are redundant.
- Redundant backups: backups are stored in two data centres.
- Redundant power supply: every server has redundant power supplies and is connected to battery powered uninterruptable power supplies (UPS). In case of a disaster, in house diesel generators can provide enough power to keep the data centre running for weeks.
Competitive & Predictable Pricing
Safe Swiss Cloud is very competitive on costs, while providing excellent reliability, performance and privacy:
- For many common workloads, e.g. running a Content Management System or CRM, Safe Swiss Cloud is cheaper than most clouds
- For workloads with heavy to very heavy IO, Safe Swiss Cloud is orders of magnitude cheaper than the hyperscalers
- Predictable costs: Safe Swiss Cloud makes sure that customers have a good indication of where their actual infrastructure costs will be. Our customers want no surprises and we deliver.
Multiple Cloud technologies for every use case
Every cloud technology has its advantages and disadvantages which determine their suitability for certain use cases. Safe Swiss Cloud offers a range of cloud technology options to satisfy a wide range of use cases.
Enterprise Cloud: This is based on VMware and is ideal for typical enterprise applications like ERP, CRM, banking and healthcare applications. A dual data centre option is available.
Kubernetes Cloud: Based on Openshift technology, this infrastructure is popular with developers creating next generation, cloud native applications.
Open Cloud: Based on industry standard Openstack technology, this product is perfect when standardised open source interfaces are required.
Object Storage: This allows the storage of large volumes of data on the cheapest available online storage. Access is encrypted via https and uses the industry standard S3 protocol.
Privacy and Compliance
Safe Swiss Cloud offers a contractual commitment to customers that the customer owns their own data and are free to move their data in and out of Safe Swiss Cloud anytime. It commits to not processing customer data for any purpose other than what the customer intends.
All USA based cloud providers are subject to the 2018 Cloud Act, which allows various USA agencies to access foreign customer data by serving orders for access to this data on the USA cloud providers. In fact the USA agencies can even “gag” the cloud providers, preventing them from notifying their customers that such access has taken place. Most USA cloud providers are also unable to give a clear commitment that customer data is not processed outside the data center selected by the customer.
Safe Swiss Cloud gives customers clear and explicit commitments that their data is held in its own data centers and only processed in them with no outside access to customer data.
Cloud Briefings
As a European cloud pioneer, Safe Swiss Cloud has lots of experience in helping customers migrate their workloads to the cloud, a deep understanding of which word loads work best in which cloud, operating mixed environments (on premise, Safe Swiss Cloud and other clouds).
Our advisory services are designed to advise customers with questions in the following areas:
- Cloud strategy for CIOs, CTOs, CEOs and decision makers
- What sort of cloud is best for certain cases? For example Kubernetes or Enterprise cloud? For which kind of work loads should one prefer a software as a service in the cloud?
- Migrating work loads into or out of the cloud
- Multi-cloud setups: for examples using Kubernetes with traditional cloud services
- Software as a Service or operate yourself in your own cloud infrastructure?
- Cloud costs: assessment of the costs that will be incurred by certain work loads in a certain cloud (we can help with this for all major clouds).
- How to get support for mission critical infrastructure?