Tutorial: Adding Persistent Storage to a Container in Kubernetes

In this post, I will show you how to make your application data persist by adding a persistent volume claim to an already deployed pod/container.

Background: Why do we need persistent storage?

For this example, I will use Wiki.js as the target container application. The Wiki.js image is immutable and therefore read only. When the container is created, temporary storage is added to manage all subsequent file changes such as log files and application data. The problem now is that if the container is destroyed e.g. scaled to zero, updated or moved to a different node, all of the written data will disappear. To prevent this happening, we need to store our data in persistent storage. 

How to add Persistent Storage

The steps below use the Console and are just one example of how to add persistent storage to a container. Other methods include using the oc command line interface or defining the steps inside a Dockerfile, OpenShift Template, Helm Chart or Kubernetes Operator.

Step 1: Deploy Wiki.js from Image

We will deploy the latest Wiki.js image from https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/wikijs inside a project called wikijs. Select the Add to Project -> Container Image option and accept the defaults. 

Figure 1: The Deploy Image form. There are further fields below General which can be left on their default values. The Name field must be filled out though.
Figure 2: The running wikijs container with an exposed route

When the container has finished deploying you will already be able to access the wikijs application from your web browser. However, any changes you make will be lost on container stop/start since we haven’t added our persistent volumes yet. So, let’s get our persistent storage connected up.

Step 2: What directories need to be persisted?

We need to figure out which directories need to be mounted onto persistent storage. Looking at the documentation https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/wikijs we can see that we need to mount:

  • /config and 
  • /data

Kubernetes at Safe Swiss Cloud

Learn more about the Kubernetes/OpenShift distribution as implemented at Safe Swiss Cloud.

Step 3: Create the Persistent Storage Claims (PVC)

Create two Persistent Volume Claims with the sizes you require. You must select either Single User (RWO) or Shared Access (RWX). You should select RWO if you only want one container to write to the storage i.e. you plan to have just one wikijs replica (instance) running, otherwise choose RWX. See https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.5/storage/understanding-persistent-storage.html for more information. Since our image has a built-in database, we will only run one replica, otherwise we would end up with content inconsistencies. 

Figure 3: The two persistent storage claims (PVCs) have been created

Step 4: Mount the PVCs on /data and /config

This is a two step process since we have two PVCs to mount.

Figure 4: Click within the blue circle to expose the Actions -> Add Storage menu point.

Select Add Storage from the Actions pull down and mount the two PVCs onto the /data and /config mount points.

When hitting the Save button, the change will be detected and applied.

Figure 6: Mount the wikijs-config PVC on /config

Again, after hitting the Save button, the change will be detected and applied.  The persistent storage has now been fully connected to the pod. Next we can confirm that it really worked as expected.

Step 5: Check that it Worked

Navigating to Deployment Details -> Volumes, the two PVCs and their mount paths should be displayed.

Figure 7: The Volumes section in Deployment Details

As an added check, we can log into the pod terminal at the OS level and enter df -kh to confirm that /config and /data have been mounted onto persistent storage as shown below. Here the IP is that of the NFS used in our OpenShift cluster.

Figure 8: The Terminal in Pods -> Pod Details after executing df -kh.

Step 6: Ready to go!

We can now start configuring and using Wiki.js, knowing that our data is safe and sound. 

Kubernetes at Safe Swiss Cloud

Learn more about the Kubernetes/OpenShift distribution as implemented at Safe Swiss Cloud.

About the Author

David Poole

David Poole

CTO / CSO | Chief Technical Officer / Chief Security Officer

David has nearly 30 years experience in the IT industry principally in banking and mobile technology. David’s motto is “get the job done”. David gained a Ph.D in Physics (solid state) from Cambridge University in 1982. He also has a Master’s in electronics from Birmingham University.

Other interests: Art, karate and weight training

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